YOUR BODY has the power to heal itself

‘Health is universal. It is an expression of universal creativity. Our human system is an expression of constant, moment-to-moment creation. There is a universal creative intelligence at work. This mysterious Intelligence, which we might call God or the divine, manifests its creative principle from the moment of conception until the day we die.’

Franklyn Sills


What is craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle and compassionate way of working with your body. It is based on the knowledge of cranial and sacral anatomy and the clinical observations that all cells, which also means fluids, tissues, organs and other parts of your body, need to express a calm rhythmic motion in order to function in a healthy manner. If there is a stagnation, often caused by injury, trauma or chronic stress, a skilled craniosacral therapist can optimise and rebalance rhythms of your system, known as primary respiration, and thus restore your physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing.

Your central nervous system, together with the cranium and sacrum, and the cerebrospinal fluid in which the CNS bathes, play a big part in expressing rhythmic motion and synchronising your system with the universal intelligence, called the Breath of Life. Limitation of movement in these parts can greatly reduce the capacity to heal. Often, the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of your autonomic nervous system are not in balance. A craniosacral therapist is able to create a safe, open-minded, nurturing and neutral space for imbalances, stagnation and tension to be released from your body. Your levels of stress reduce, you can re-build your underlying energy and start functioning with less restriction. Quality of your life can increase significantly. 

It is important to mention that your body responds to sensitive and safe touch by beginning to listen to itself. For the first time, you might experience a feeling of being heard in the truest sense of the word and learn how to listen to your own body yourself and thus start experiencing the true richness of life.

Clients describe their experience as 'comforting, feeling alive, feeling whole again, put back in one piece, a sense of relief or deep connection'. They also come into contact with stillness - the greatest gift for their everyday lives.


What happens during and after cranial treatment

Firstly, I take your health history so that I can understand why you came to visit, where you feel imbalanced, how that affects your life and your emotional state to get an idea about your lifestyle and things you like doing.

A craniosacral session lasts between 45 minutes to one hour and you remain fully clothed (loose, comfortable clothes are recommended), usually lying face up on a treatment couch. I will make light physical contact with different parts of you body, mainly your feet, head, the base of your spine or stomach and might invite you to talk about the sensations you feel inside. Your body will begin to relax and make the changes it needs. Clients often report states of deep relaxation, notice tingling, temperature changes or other sensations.

During or after a session you might experience increased clarity of mind and a feeling of well-being and the healing process might continue over the following days. Eventually, your system will stabilise. Some people feel relief after only one or two sessions but for long-standing problems further sessions may be needed.


Click here for a short film ‘What is Craniosacral Therapy?’





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